
Motivation And Success

Transforming Dreams into Reality, Part 2: Three Steps to Define Your Dreams

In the last post I talked about dreams and how dreams are a key to success. I also mentioned that there are three tricks you can use to help define your dreams. In today’s post I’ll go into detail about each of these three tricks.

1.What Inspires You?

What grabs your attention? Answering this is the first step toward defining your dreams. As you work to develop this idea, you’re going to be spending a lot of time around it. You’re going to have to develop your product, market it, pitch it and more. Wouldn’t it be extremely boring to work with something for 10 to 15 hours a day and not like it? Find something that grabs your attention. If you aren’t passionate about something or if you don’t believe in it, then it probably isn’t a product or service that will help you succeed. Think about things you’re already interested in. Maybe you could turn one of these interests or passions into your dream. The bottom line is: if you don’t love your dream, you will fail.

2.What Are You Good At?

Secondly, you need to find something you’re good at. Yes, you might love your first idea, but do you possess the skills required to turn it into a reality? Just because you’re passionate about something does not mean you are good at it. Everyone has his or her own unique talents. Even if you think your talent is weird or silly, it could be transformed into a marketable service or product. Run with your talents. If you’re already passionate about them, they could lead to your success—and increased wealth.

3.What Ideas Won’t Let Go?

Lastly, do you have ideas that just won’t leave you alone, ideas that, no matter what you do, pop into your head almost to the point where they’re annoying? Some people get ideas that gnaw at them until they’re forced to do something about them. Do you have one of these nagging ideas? It could be nagging you for a reason. Maybe your nagging idea is the ticket to success. Never ignore these pesky thoughts!

These are just three simple ways I have found to help anyone achieve his or her dreams. It isn’t hard to define your dreams; you just have to know how to dissect your thoughts and what you’re looking for when you do. Doing so, you’ll find success and wealth.