
Motivation And Success

Affiliate Terms & Conditions

If you are looking for a way to promote our product, we recommend reading the affiliate terms carefully. Doing so will give you an idea of what is expected from your participation in this program and ensure that all parties involved can understand their obligations as well. The inclusion of plain language was intentional because it makes these rules much easier to read by anyone with or without legal knowledge due to its clarity.

In being a part of our Affiliate program, you’re agreeing to the FTC Disclosure & that you comply with each facet of it. 


As used in the below Terms: (i) “We”, “us” and “our” refers to Motivation & Success LLC, which includes its television network, M&S T.V, and the respective Motivation & Success LLC  brands, which include but are not limited to Motivation & Success Publishing, and Catalyst Media; (ii) “you” or “your” refers to the Affiliate; (iii) “our website” refers to the Motivation & Success LLC brand websites, which include but are not limited to www.motivationandsuccess.com; (iv) “your website” refers to any websites that you will link to our website; (v) “Program” refers to the Motivation & Success LLC Affiliate Program.


And now, the most important part of your website: restrictions. These are set so that you can work with us in creating a flawless final product for all to enjoy! If we find any faults or errors on your end, due to these violations and infractions, then our relationship will be terminated immediately and without notice. Websites participating in this promotion must adhere to a stringent list of rules and regulations. 

 Your participating website(s) may not: 

-Contravene on anyone’s intellectual property, publicity, privacy or other rights. This includes our own! 

-Violate any law with threatening content like harassment and invasion of personal space (like posting private information without consent). We know you want to be creative but this is a no go zone for all things obscene such as the distribution of pornography or anything that puts others in danger by encouraging violence against them. 

-Furthermore websites cannot violate any law rule or regulation as well contain content that is threatening harassing defamatory obscene viruses trojan horses worms cancel bots time bombs computer programming routines causing damage interfering surreptitiously intercepting expropriating system data personal information.

-Any website that tries to intercept, divert or redirect Internet traffic is in violation of our terms. This includes websites with content such as viruses and spyware which are designed to cause harm through the use of your computer’s data for nefarious purposes including sending spam emails and stealing personal information like passwords, credit card numbers etc., or those who try to steal affiliate commissions from other sites.


Upon acceptance into the Program, we provide you with all of your links in one place for convenience and easy access. Your agreement to our terms is a requirement before being accepted as an affiliate partner!

Your Affiliate account will be revoked should any violations occur. Violations include but are not limited to:

– Using someone else’s link without permission, manipulating linking code obtained from the affiliate interface (such as changing out tracking IDs), or listing domains that have been blacklisted by us or Google Adsense team members due to violation(s).

– All domains that use your link will need to be listed on your affiliate profile page.

-You may not use a website that mimics the design and appearance of this site, including using frames to mimic our content. Your links should be accurate in terms of where they take visitors on your page – so if you get clicks from users clicking through different pages on this site’s domain before landing at yours (i.e., cookie stuffing), we will not consider them valid traffic sources for tracking purposes either; no matter how many times those clickers pop up or what kind of misleading text is used thereon!

-In addition, when possible, please include an honest link back to us somewhere near the bottom part of your webpage just as long as it does NOT encourage spamming by directing people away from visiting.

-A redirect is an instruction that helps your computer to find the right website when you visit a broken link. You may not use this function in order to bounce clicks off of domains where they did not originate, giving the appearance that it came from there instead.

Should you do anything that would compromise your trustworthiness as a member of the network, we have mechanisms in place to modify or remove commissions for previous transactions.

If it is determined by our team that you are not upholding all responsibilities set forth under this agreement including but not limited to providing false information about content and/or using “out” redirects from the same domain where an affiliate link is placed, any current or past commissions will be voided. This does exclude use of redirection links within domains.


We don’t want you to get in trouble with us! Use any of our trademarked terms as part of the domain or subdomain for your website is strictly prohibited.


We want to be the only provider of information for our clients, that’s why we have a strict policy: you can’t distribute any written material referencing us without first submitting it and getting prior approval. This includes e-mail campaigns!

If you intend to promote or mention us via emailing your customers, make sure they know this before they do anything – otherwise there will inevitably come consequences!

-The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Public Law No. 108-187) is enforced by Motivation & Success LLC & M&S T.V. to ensure that you are abiding with our program regulations when sending e-mails on behalf of the company or for any one its brands.

-E-mail must be sent on your behalf and not imply that it’s being forwarded from us, otherwise we as a business will have no control over what information is divulged through said emails. 

-Before proceeding in distributing an email message about the Company or one of their brands, please forward all messages first for approval before releasing them into circulation so they may go uncontested due to customer complaints against spamming practices.


Utilizing the power of social media to promote your business is encouraged as long as you follow these general guidelines:

-You ARE allowed to promote offers on your own Facebook, Twitter, etc. pages with affiliate links; however you are PROHIBITED from posting them on Motivation & Success’s company-run social media channels in an attempt to turn those links into sales!

-You are prohibited from running Facebook ads using company names licensed by Motivation & Success.

You’re not allowed to run Facebook content with any of the trademarked phrases or logos affiliated with our brand, due to copyright infringement and intellectual property rights laws (including but not limited to federal law).


If you conduct business in other countries, comply with the laws of those countries. For example, if you are conducting business within the European Union, then follow their Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive (PECD).

The United States is not alone when it comes to strict privacy regulations governing international transactions. If we look at only one country’s law as an example: The EU’s PECD requires that a company notify its customers about how they use personal data for marketing purposes and provide them with more control over said usage by giving them certain rights regarding location tracking features on mobile devices among others things.

FTC Disclosure Requirements

To make sure you are not deceiving your readers with affiliate links, the FTC has strict disclosure requirements. You must have a statement within any and all pages where these product reviews or endorsements link to an affiliate program for us. This should be “clear and concise” about whether this is being done as a review of our products (and if so getting compensated) or just giving honest feedback on what we’re doing in general.

We reserve the right to audit affiliate sites without notice in order to ensure that you are not violating disclosure laws. If we determine that your site is non-compliant, then it will be removed from our program immediately.

-Disclosures must be made as close to the claims, and may not appear solely in a “Terms of Use” or other linked page. 

-A single statement on the site is deemed insufficient if it does not contain your general disclosure statements for each instance of sponsored links.

– Disclaimers should also be placed above the fold so scrolling will not take place before reaching them.

-Disclosure information about paid sponsorships should always come with an asterisk (*), following directly after their name/link: usually this would say “Advertiser” next to their company logo, but there might need

-All pop-ups, hover states and button disclosures are prohibited on social media in order to prevent spam. These rules apply even when space is restricted (e.g., tweets).


Motivation and Success LLC (M&S) believes in being open with its affiliates. It has a very low reversal rate, which is attributed to this attitude. However, M&S reserves the right to reverse orders for several reasons: order cancellations; duplicate tracking numbers on shipments or refunds; returns that are disputed by cardholders who did not receive their desired products/services from us – as outlined in these terms & conditions.

We want to give you the best customer service possible so we need your help. If you are asked for more clarification on any orders or clicks that could violate our terms and conditions, please respond promptly and honestly! Violations of this communications policy include:

-If you’re not forthcoming, intentionally vague or found to be lying with your answers on the network profile form, we’ll assume that it’s because something is lacking in what you have listed. 

-If we can’t contact with information within a reasonable time period and after multiple attempts of trying to get back in touch for more details are left unanswered then there will be no other option but to revoke access from our program. 

-Should this happen all traffic generated by the member during their participation shall cease permanently as well due out lack of validation- clear and demonstrable proof.

We are committed to maintaining a fair and rewarding experience for all of our affiliates. We understand that violations may be the result of automated processes, but it is imperative that every affiliate take responsibility for their actions by following program rules at all times. If you violate these terms or any other part in our agreement with you, we reserve the right to charge your commissions back if found guilty; suspend orders from being processed during this time period; reverse previously completed transactions where appropriate. If these violations have been caused by automated processes on your end- as many do- please consider adding proper checks and balances so that issues don’t arise again.

The terms and conditions of this agreement can be revoked at any time by either party, but the consequences are clear. If you commence litigation against us after we have instructed you to cease doing so, then we shall take your failure very seriously. In that case, not only will there be a breach in contract on your end which may result in legal ramifications for yourself personally or professionally; if our team prevails with regard to said litigation and incurred attorney fees during the process should also fall upon you – despite whether it was resolved before suit or still ongoing as well as what decision is made afterward (i.e., verdict).


Any testimonials, video endorsements, or media or words of the like showcase the credibility and expertise of founder Dennis M. Postema, and show our success and the success of those who have used the Service, but this is not to be interpreted as typical and expected, for each person’s situation and results will vary. The variation will happen depending on how much time, effort, and drive is put into each program,or Service. 


We have partnered with individuals and companies that we feel meet the highest standards of quality, but we make note that the successes and results experienced from these programs/products are not typical and automatically expected. Each program/product will work differently for each individual dependent on one’s time & commitment to the product. 


Please note that we have partnered with individuals/companies through an affiliate program and will earn a commission from each purchase. The products offered are made available with your success in mind, therefore we offer products that we feel meet the highest standards of quality. You may be redirected to the trusted affiliate’s site, where you can continue your purchase journey.