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Michelle Mehta

Michelle Mehta

Michelle Mehta is a TEDx Speaker, Confidence Expert, and International Bestselling Author. You may have seen her on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, or interviewing people like Dr. Deepak Chopra and Vincente Fox, the former President of Mexico. ABC television said of Michelle, “She has overcome unthinkable obstacles and is one of the most successful teen coaches in 2020.” Yahoo Finance named her as one of “The top 11 female coaches to follow in 2021.”

She has worked with organizations like Morgan Stanley, MassMutual, and Wells Fargo. She has coached mayors of major California cities, and celebrities like James Haven, Angelina Jolie’s brother.

Michelle speaks to teens and women all over the country about overcoming peer pressure, bullying, and low self-worth by increasing their confidence to live a life they fully love and admire themselves every single day.

She will even be sharing this message soon at the US Air Force Academy.

Women Who Lead Vol.1
Women Who Lead Vol.1