Karla Giorgio

Health & Fitness Coach & Entrepreneur

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. DO not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go- Joshua 1:9

Pilot Episode Coming Very Soon

Meet Karla

Karla Giorgio was born in Caracas, Venezuela and is currently living in Central Florida with her 3 amazing boys. She has a career in life insurance, automotive and real estate sales. She has also been seen on the Netflix show called Selling Tampa. Aside from real estate, she enjoys keeping her body in great shape by exercising 5 times a week and cooking her own healthy meals.


She loves to create vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian and keto style recipes for her diet to keep her looking and feeling great. Her entire life revolves around self-care, health and nutrition. Her passion consists of helping everyone around her to achieve the best version of themselves by motivating and inspiring to do better for a healthy, long life.

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